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Hong Kong - The Latest Country to Ban all UK Flights


The UK's newest health secretary, Sajid Javid, promised to lift any remaining 'restrictions' in the UK by 19 July as he sees 'no reason to go beyond this date.

Such news may be welcomed (and even celebrated) by many businesses. In particular, lifting all restrictions may mean normality to their companies, especially those in the travel industry, which has been one of the most affected sectors since the start of the pandemic.

However, the reality is that travelling from the UK to other countries is still very difficult. With the UK standing around the top 4 countries in the world of highest daily #COVID19 infections (with more than 20,000+ new cases), some countries have moved to restrict entry from those arriving from the UK.

The latest is the Government of Hong Kong, which has confirmed that from 1 July 2021, all travellers (irrespective of their nationalities) who have been in the UK for more than two hours (within a 21-day period) will not be allowed to enter Hong Kong.

This means that all passenger flights will likely be cancelled or diverted from 1 July 2021 as no flights will be allowed to enter Hong Kong from the UK.

There will be no doubt a significant number of individuals will be affected by this decision.

Those currently in the UK who intend to leave but cannot do so and have a visa or permission to remain that expires before 30 September 2021 may request additional time to stay in the UK. The UKVI may allow additional time, known as 'exceptional assurance to remain in the UK. Exceptional assurance is not a visa and should not be treated as such. It is a temporary protection against any adverse action or consequences following the expiry of an individual's permission to stay.

For those intending to stay in the UK, you may be exceptionally allowed to apply to stay from the UK. Applicants will still need to comply and meet the criteria of the rules applicable to their intended category of stay.

Further updates to follow...

Shores & Legal are experienced and expert immigration partners for your business and personal immigration requirements. We have years of experience in helping Indian companies identify their immigration requirements and strategy to the UK. If you wish to discuss your UK immigration requirements, contact us at +44 (0) 207 097 6778 or

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