We have been asked several times over the last couple of weeks in respect of whether the NHS will offer foreign nationals in this country (visitors and those without permission to remain in the UK) assistance should they suspect to have contracted coronavirus.
Do note that the government has helpfully published the following (extracted from gov.uk) in respect of this:
"There can be no charge made to an overseas visitor for the diagnosis or treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19).
All overseas visitors, including anyone living in the UK without permission, should be aware that:
- No charges apply to testing for COVID-19, even if the result is negative, or to any treatment provided for COVID-19 if the result is positive or up to the point that it is negatively diagnosed. The same is true of most other infectious diseases.
- NHS trusts have been advised that no immigration checks are required for overseas visitors that are known to be only undergoing testing or treatment for COVID-19."
Grateful to all #NHS and #healthcare staff in helping the nation fight in the war against the virus!
Shores & Legal are experienced and expert immigration partners for your business and personal immigration requirements. If you wish to discuss your UK immigration requirements, contact us at +44 (0) 207 097 6778 or info@shoreslegal.com.